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#1 Old 28th Feb 2015 at 12:04 PM Last edited by marquisite : 28th Feb 2015 at 3:26 PM.
Default Where can I find: Keep television switched on mod (Only turn off TV set via pie menu "turn off" option)
I'm after a mod which disables turning off a tv unless the turn off pie menu option is specifically selected. Sims can stop watching the TV if their fun bar is maxed out, just don't have them turn it off unless I tell them to via the pie menu option. I've uploaded a small graphic which may better clarify the kind of mod I am trying to find.

This is what I can decipher:
  • Sims do not turn off the TV autonomously if another sim is watching the same TV.
  • Sims do turn off the TV if nobody else is watching when the watch tv action is cancelled. Regardless of whether autonomy is enabled (Full) or not (Off).

There must be a way to extend the above no turning off of TV if another sim is watching functionality to when no other sim is watching the same tv.


First things first... a matching or similar mod may already be out there somewhere which achieves this desired functionality...hence this post.

Failing that, perhaps there is a similar mod floating about, such as one which removes autonomously turning off a computer or stereo (radio), which might give me some pointers on what may be required to get this change of functionality working for televisions. If I knew what was required and where to look for this kind of change (XML tuning? Python script edits?) there's a chance I may be able to fill the void if no mod currently exists for this.

I'm in the process of (attempting to) build a TV studio and it looks pretty dead without multiple tv screens on. As it stands now, for each TV that is turned on one sim is tied up. Give them something else to do = TV off. So two TV screens on = 2 sims out of action. Not ideal at all. Coming from The Sims 2, it was possible to have TVs on without anybody watching them (but that may have been due to a mod ... it has been so long ago I cannot remember). Such a mod is likely also useful for other purposes ... like creating a cinema, having a TV always on at a community bar, etc. Or just leaving the Fireplace TV channel switched on to simulate an actual fireplace no matter if a sim is watching or not.

Thanks all ... the more sets of eyes looking for a mod like this the better
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#2 Old 13th Aug 2015 at 3:13 PM
I have wanted this for so long! Glad i'm not the only one but I couldn't find a mod out there for this If you have found would you kindly share please Ty! ^^

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#3 Old 12th Jun 2016 at 9:28 PM
I know old post but easy to do and may helpful for some people. only need "testingcheats on" activ. best way is install motivedecay mod . than this cheatmenu is allways on. than u put on the tv and press with hold shift on ur sim and press debug sim. done. you can go away , TV stays on until u press off
Field Researcher
#4 Old 29th Mar 2024 at 8:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by marquisite
I'm after a mod which disables turning off a tv unless the turn off pie menu option is specifically selected. Sims can stop watching the TV if their fun bar is maxed out, just don't have them turn it off unless I tell them to via the pie menu option. I've uploaded a small graphic which may better clarify the kind of mod I am trying to find.

This is what I can decipher:
  • Sims do not turn off the TV autonomously if another sim is watching the same TV.
  • Sims do turn off the TV if nobody else is watching when the watch tv action is cancelled. Regardless of whether autonomy is enabled (Full) or not (Off).

There must be a way to extend the above no turning off of TV if another sim is watching functionality to when no other sim is watching the same tv.


First things first... a matching or similar mod may already be out there somewhere which achieves this desired functionality...hence this post.

Failing that, perhaps there is a similar mod floating about, such as one which removes autonomously turning off a computer or stereo (radio), which might give me some pointers on what may be required to get this change of functionality working for televisions. If I knew what was required and where to look for this kind of change (XML tuning? Python script edits?) there's a chance I may be able to fill the void if no mod currently exists for this.

I'm in the process of (attempting to) build a TV studio and it looks pretty dead without multiple tv screens on. As it stands now, for each TV that is turned on one sim is tied up. Give them something else to do = TV off. So two TV screens on = 2 sims out of action. Not ideal at all. Coming from The Sims 2, it was possible to have TVs on without anybody watching them (but that may have been due to a mod ... it has been so long ago I cannot remember). Such a mod is likely also useful for other purposes ... like creating a cinema, having a TV always on at a community bar, etc. Or just leaving the Fireplace TV channel switched on to simulate an actual fireplace no matter if a sim is watching or not.

Thanks all ... the more sets of eyes looking for a mod like this the better

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#5 Old 21st Apr 2024 at 2:27 PM
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