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Original Poster
#1 Old 31st May 2021 at 8:51 AM Last edited by topp : 2nd Jun 2021 at 10:23 AM.

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life
Default Win10-No userProps.xml file - can't enable CC in-game
Hi, I've recently reinstalled Sims 2 UC via Origin and I'm having some issues.

The first thing was that after double-clicking the game icon, I get the following critical error message:
"You are running low on disk space and may encounter problems with your game under these conditions. Are you sure you want to launch the game?" y/n

Strange enough, given that I'm running on 175 out of 235 GB available on my SSD.

The second, more important problem, is that when launching the game for the second time, it appears to not read settings I had input earlier on, such as to enable CC (the dialog box just before the neighborhood manager screen), set a smaller resolution, or disable sim shadows. This is bad because the game by default doesn't read CC - and by this, I can't enable any CC at all, not even some of the essential mods, like CEP, nounlinkondelete, smarterepcheck etc.

I noticed that in Documents\TS2\Config, there are only two files, and one important file is missing - userProps.xml. I tried copying globalProps.xml over from Program Files\FWP\SP9\TSData\Res\Config, renaming it to userProps.xml, and changing the following line:
<AnyUint32  key="copiedShippedDataToUserDataFolder" type="0xeb61e4f7">0</AnyUint32>  //before

<AnyUint32  key="copiedShippedDataToUserDataFolder" type="0xeb61e4f7">1</AnyUint32>  //after

However, it appears that the file does not get read at all, as the game still behaves as if it's being booted for the first time. I also tried running the game as an administrator, but it didn't help.

I think the problem might be in OneDrive for Business. I use OneDrive provided by my uni to have all files from my desktop and docs folders synced to the cloud, so that I can access them on my phone and faculty computers. Since EA Games folder is inside the Documents folder, OneDrive started immediately uploading all of Sims 2 user data to the cloud. A major component of OneDrive is that it can delete the local copies of the files - the files may appear as if they're still on your computer, but they're actually quickly downloaded from the cloud moments before opening. This is supposed to save disk space. I tried applying the "Always keep on this PC" attribute to the folder and its files, but it didn't help either.

I don't think there is an option to exclude just the EA Games folder from scanning. Sure, I can stop syncing my documents folder, but is there anything else that I may try before doing that?
Field Researcher
#2 Old 31st May 2021 at 1:16 PM
Your issue is probably the OneDrive folder. I went to OneDrive Settings -> Account -> Choose Folders, and tried to unlink just EA Games folder, but OneDrive deleted it. However, when it regenerated, it got an error because it couldn't sync for some reason. Another option is pausing the sync and taking in/out your Sims 2 files, but that might be a lot of work to remember before and after every play session. You will probably have to disable it if you want to be 100% certain that it won't mess with the files (which it will do when you least expect it), I think the entire thing is convoluted and designed to keep you syncing and paying for storage once you run out, and trying to get out of it compromises your files.
If you disable OneDrive, there's always an option to upload your files to it using the browser on your PC.
Original Poster
#3 Old 31st May 2021 at 1:40 PM
Thanks, I'll probably try that and report back, as there's nothing else I can think of that may be the cause of this.

e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#4 Old 31st May 2021 at 6:03 PM
I just want to say here- having worked for many years in schools and colleges IT, I know that some of them use One Drive to ensure that students' work is adequately backed-up. Make sure that if you disable One Drive you aren't left with important documents on your hard drive that don't have a safe copy somewhere.
Original Poster
#5 Old 1st Jun 2021 at 11:44 AM Last edited by topp : 2nd Jun 2021 at 10:25 AM.
Edit: stopping the Documents folder from backing up to OneDrive and moving the folder back to C:\Users\me\Documents solved the problem! Thanks


Thanks for the advice, simsample. I definitely didn't see it that way until now, actually.

But it's undergrad pure maths in question right now - the only things worth backing up are these handwritten notebooks I have scattered across my room.
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