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Testers Wanted - Space Science - as per request

469 Downloads 98 Thanks  Thanks 6 Favourited 13,646 Views
Uploaded: 10th Sep 2005 at 2:31 PM
Updated: 16th Sep 2005 at 7:53 PM by whiterider
The third thing I've fixed in two hours... I'm turning into a Sim

GUID is 0x000D6F09 - no overwriting
Has it's own icon - see attached
Focussed Skills: Logic, Body, Mechanical and Cleaning

Space Science: Everything you could possibly ever need to know about space. From Black Holes to the Borg, Space Science is essential for any budding Astronaut.

Basic Engineering Skills: How to make the Rocket go Zoom!
Basic Emergency Responses: Locating Barf Bags

Resisting the Urge to Press the Red Button: The Do's and Don't's of Space
Proper Use of Emergency Equipment: Putting On an Oxygen Mask After Pressing the Red Button

Opening the Door Without Flying Out: The Fine Art of Space Walking
The Solar System: Advanced Space Vocabulary and Identification

Landing the Ship in Rough Conditions or in Case of an Emergency
Senior Project: Collecting Cheese from the Moon

The class names aren't identical to those of the request: I had to shorten some of them, but I think they all fit now. If they don't, or if there are any other bugs, please tell me.
