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Nouk's Own Hair - Blonde to Red

1,425 Downloads 139 Thanks  Thanks 12 Favourited 21,349 Views
Uploaded: 15th Apr 2007 at 4:58 AM
Updated: 30th Aug 2008 at 5:22 PM
I absolutely adore Nouk's Own Hair, a Simmified version of her own hairstyle. And, this hair is awesome. I use it exclusively in the game, and it bobs / moves like real hair ought to. This stuff looks like it came with the game, trust me!

But I wasn't satisfied with any of the 'reds'. Red is a hard color to do, the hardest in my opinion. And I absolutely love the 'Maxis' red that comes with the game.

I also got to thinking, about people. Very few people, in my experience, go through life with only one hair color. I personally was born with jet black hair, which then proceeded to turn platinum blonde by my second birthday. It's been darkening ever since, so now is a reddish-brunette. I thought how cool it would be if the same thing happened to our Simmies.

Thus, with this hair style, your Sims will start out life blonde, as a toddler. As a child, their hair will start to redden to a strawberry-blonde. Then, by the time they're a teen, their hair is a shade of red that matches the Maxis hairstyles. It stays that way through teens, young adult / adulthood, and turns silver when they become elders.

I've included two files: 'blnd2red' is the one described above. Just 'red' is the same shade of red throughout life, until the silver-haired elder, for the less-adventurous. Both are binned as red, so they'll be easy to spot when changing haircolor (the only blonde style under the 'Red' category ... at least, I hope so! lol)

Please note that this requires the mesh to work right! Get it at the link below.
